1.3. Scatter plot and histogram

import pylab
from biokit import ScatterHist
import pandas as pd

# input can be a 2-column matrix or a dataframe with 2 columns
X = pylab.randn(1000)
Y = pylab.randn(1000)

df = pd.DataFrame({'X':X, 'Y':Y})

sh = ScatterHist(df)

you can tune the scatter plot and histogram with valid optional arguments expected by the pylab functions. Check the pylab.hist and pylab.scatter helps for details.

_ = sh.plot(kargs_scatter={'c':'r', 's':30, 'alpha':.3},
                   kargs_histy={'color':'g', 'bins':20})

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.125 seconds)

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