Source code for biokit.taxonomy.taxonomy

import os
import re
from biokit import biokitPATH

# for checking :

[docs]class Taxonomy(object): """This class should ease the retrieval and manipulation of Taxons There are many resources to retrieve information about a Taxon. For instance, from BioServices, one can use UniProt, Ensembl, or EUtils. This is convenient to retrieve a Taxon (see :meth:`fetch_by_name` and :meth:`fetch_by_id` that rely on Ensembl). However, you can also download a flat file from EBI ftp server, which stores a set or records (1.3M at the time of the implementation). Note that the Ensembl database does not seem to be as up to date as the flat files but entries contain more information. for instance taxon 2 is in the flat file but not available through the :meth:`fetch_by_id`, which uses ensembl. So, you may access to a taxon in 2 different ways getting differnt dictionary. However, 3 keys are common (id, parent, scientific_name) :: >>> t = taxonomy.Taxonomy() >>> t.fetch_by_id(9606) # Get a dictionary from Ensembl >>> t.records[9606] # or just try with the get >>> t[9606] >>> t.get_lineage(9606) """ def __init__(self, verbose=True, online=True): """.. rubric:: constructor :param offline: if you do not have internet, the connction to Ensembl may hang for a while and fail. If so, set **offline** to True """ if online: from bioservices import Ensembl self.ensembl = Ensembl(verbose=False) self.records = {} # empty to start with. self.verbose = verbose def _load_flat_file(self, overwrite=False): """Loads entire flat file from EBI Do not overwrite the file by default. """ import ftplib output_filename='taxonomy.dat' = output_filename self.filename = biokitPATH + os.sep + if os.path.exists(self.filename) and overwrite is False: return url = '' # /pub/databases/taxonomy/' self.ftp = ftplib.FTP(url) self.ftp.login() self.ftp.cwd('pub') self.ftp.cwd('databases') self.ftp.cwd('taxonomy') print('Downloading and saving in %s' % self.filename) self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR taxonomy.dat', open(self.filename, 'wb').write)
[docs] def load_records(self, overwrite=False): """Load a flat file and store records in :attr:`records` """ self._load_flat_file(overwrite=overwrite) self.records = {} # TODO: check if it exists otherwise, load it ? if os.path.exists(self.filename) is False: self.load() with open(self.filename) as f: data = data = data.split("//\n") # the sep is //\n self._child_match = re.compile('ID\s+\:\s*(\d+)\s*') self._parent_match = re.compile('PARENT ID\s+\:\s*(\d+)\s*') self._rank_match = re.compile('RANK\s+\:\s*([^\n]+)\s*') self._name_match = re.compile('SCIENTIFIC NAME\s+\:\s*([^\n]+)\s*') from easydev import Progress pb = Progress(len(data)) if self.verbose: print('Loading all taxon records.') for i, record in enumerate(data[0:]): # try/except increase comput. time by 5% try: dico = self._interpret_record(record) identifier = int(dico['id']) self.records[identifier] = dico except Exception as err: print(err) print('Could not parse the following record ' + \ 'Please fill bug report on') print(record) if self.verbose: pb.animate(i+1) if self.verbose: print()
def _interpret_record(self, record): data = {'raw': record} # in principle, we should check for the existence of a match # but this takes time. All entries must have an ID so no # need to check for it. Same for parent and scientific name. # Does not save that much time though. m = if m: data['id'] = m = if m: data['parent'] = m = if m: data['scientific_name'] = m = if m: data['rank'] = return data
[docs] def fetch_by_id(self, taxon): """Search for a taxon by identifier :return; a dictionary. :: >>> ret = s.search_by_id('10090') >>> ret['name'] 'Mus Musculus' """ res = self.ensembl.get_taxonomy_by_id(taxon) return res
[docs] def fetch_by_name(self, name): """Search a taxon by its name. :param str name: name of an organism. SQL cards possible e.g., _ and % characters. :return: a list of possible matches. Each item being a dictionary. :: >>> ret = s.search_by_name('Mus Musculus') >>> ret[0]['id'] 10090 """ res = self.ensembl.get_taxonomy_by_name(name) return res
[docs] def on_web(self, taxon): """Open UniProt page for a given taxon""" # Should work for python2 and 3 import webbrowser try: from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError except: from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError try: urlopen('' % taxon)"" % taxon) except HTTPError as err: print("Invalid taxon") except URLError as err: print(err.args)
[docs] def get_lineage(self, taxon): """Get lineage of a taxon :param int taxon: a known taxon :return: list containing the lineage """ # important to reinit the second argument to [] taxon = int(taxon) lineage = self._gen_lineage_and_rank(taxon, []) lineage = [x[0] for x in lineage] return lineage
def _gen_lineage_and_rank(self, taxon, lineage_rank=[]): # recursively filling the lineage argument if len(self.records) == 0: self.load_records() try: record = self.records[taxon] except: return [('unknown', 'no rank')] parent = int(record['parent']) if parent not in [0]: lineage_rank.append((record['scientific_name'], record['rank'])) return self._gen_lineage_and_rank(parent, lineage_rank) else: lineage_rank.reverse() return lineage_rank
[docs] def get_lineage_and_rank(self, taxon): """Get lineage and rank of a taxon :param int taxon: :return: a list of tuples. Each tuple is a pair of taxon name/rank The list is the lineage for to the input taxon. """ taxon = int(taxon) lineage = self._gen_lineage_and_rank(taxon, []) return lineage
[docs] def get_children(self, taxon): if len(self.records) == 0: self.load_records() taxon = str(taxon) children = [self.records[k] for k in self.records.keys() if self.records[k]['parent'] == taxon] children = [child['id'] for child in children] return children
[docs] def get_family_tree(self, taxon): """root is taxon and we return the corresponding tree""" # should limit the tree size # uniprot flat files has no record about children, so we would # need to reconstruct the tree tree = {} children = self.get_children(taxon) if len(children) == 0: return tree else: return [self.get_family_tree(child) for child in children]
def __getitem__(self, iden): if len(self.records) == 0: self.load_records() return self.records[iden]
[docs]class Taxon(object): """Some codecs""" def __init__(self, taxid): self.taxid = taxid
[docs] def to_genbank(self, retmax=10000): """Draft: from a TaxID, uses EUtils to retrieve the GenBank identifiers :Inspiration: """ from bioservices import EUtils e = EUtils() idlist = e.ESearch(db='nucleotide', term='txid%s[Organism:exp]'%self.taxid, restart=0, retmax=retmax)['idlist'] results = e.ESummary(db='nucleotide', id=idlist, retmax=retmax) return results
[docs]class Lineage(object): def __init__(self, lineage): self.lineage = lineage[:] def __str__(self): txt = "" for i,this in enumerate(self.lineage): N = i txt += N*" " + "%s\n" % this return txt