Source code for biokit.rtools.py2r

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of biokit software
#  Copyright (c) 2014-
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  website:
import sys
from types import *

from easydev import check_param_in_list

import pandas
import numpy

__all__ = ["BoolStr", "ReprStr", "FloatStr", "LongStr", "ComplexStr", "UniStr",
"ByteStr", "SeqStr", "getVec", "NumpyNdarrayStr", "PandasDataFrameStr",
"PandasSerieStr", "OtherStr", "Str4R" ]

if sys.version < '3.0':
    _mystr = _mybytes = lambda s: s
    _in_py3 = False
    from functools import reduce
    long, basestring, unicode = int, str, str
    _mybytes = lambda s: bytes(s, 'utf8')  # 'ascii')
    _mystr = lambda s: str(s, 'utf8')
    _in_py3 = True

[docs]def BoolStr(obj): return(obj and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')
[docs]def ReprStr(obj): return(repr(obj))
[docs]def FloatStr(f): if f is numpy.NaN or f is numpy.nan: return('NaN') # or 'NA' if pandas.isnull(f): return('NaN') if numpy.isposinf(f): return('Inf') if numpy.isneginf(f): return('-Inf') return(repr(f))
[docs]def LongStr(obj): rv = repr(obj) if rv[-1] == 'L': rv = rv[:-1] return(rv)
[docs]def ComplexStr(obj): return(repr(obj).replace('j', 'i'))
[docs]def UniStr(obj): return(repr(obj.encode('utf8')))
[docs]def ByteStr(obj): return(repr(obj)[1:])
#return obj.decode()
[docs]def SeqStr(obj, head='c(', tail=')', enclose=True): if not enclose: # don't add head and tail return(','.join(map(Str4R, obj))) if not obj: return(head + tail) # detect types if isinstance(obj, set): obj = list(obj) obj0 = obj[0] tp0 = type(obj0) simple_types = [str, bool, int, long, float, complex] num_types = [int, long, float, complex] is_int = tp0 in (int, long) # token for explicit converstion to integer in R since R treat an integer from stdin as double if tp0 not in simple_types: head = 'list(' else: tps = isinstance(obj0, basestring) and [StringType] or isinstance(obj0, bool) and [BooleanType] or num_types for i in obj[1:]: tp = type(i) if tp not in tps: head = 'list(' is_int = False break elif is_int and tp not in (int, long): is_int = False # convert return((is_int and 'as.integer(' or '') + head + ','.join(map(Str4R, obj)) + tail + (is_int and ')' or ''))
def DictStr(obj): return('list(' + ','.join(['%s=%s' % (Str4R(a[0]), Str4R(a[1])) for a in obj.items()]) + ')') # 'b':boo # lean, 'i':integer, 'u':unsigned int, 'f':float, c complex-float # 'S'/'a':string, 'U':unicode, 'V':raw data. 'O':string? _tpdic = {'i':'as.integer(c(%s))', 'u':'as.integer(c(%s))', 'f':'as.double(c(%s))', 'c':'as.complex(c(%s))', 'b':'c(%s)', 'S':'c(%s)', 'a':'c(%s)', 'U':'c(%s)', 'V':'list(%s)', 'O':'as.character(c(%s))'}
[docs]def getVec(ary): # used for objects from numpy and pandas tp = ary.dtype.kind if len(ary.shape) > 1: ary = ary.reshape(reduce(lambda a,b=1: a*b, ary.shape)) ary = ary.tolist() if tp != 'V': return(_tpdic.get(tp, 'c(%s)') % SeqStr(ary, enclose=False)) # record array ary = list(map(SeqStr, ary)) # each record will be mapped to vector or list # use str here instead of repr since it has already been converted to str by SeqStr return(_tpdic.get(tp, 'list(%s)') % (', '.join(ary)))
[docs]def NumpyNdarrayStr(obj): shp = obj.shape if len(shp) == 1: # to vector tp = obj.dtype if tp.kind != 'V': return(getVec(obj)) # One-dimension record array will be converted to data.frame def mapField(f): ary = obj[f] tp = ary.dtype.kind return('"%s"=%s' % (f, _tpdic.get(tp, 'list(%s)') % SeqStr(ary.tolist(), enclose=False))) return('data.frame(%s)' % (', '.join(map(mapField, tp.names)))) elif len(shp) == 2: # two-dimenstion array will be converted to matrix return('matrix(%s, nrow=%d, byrow=TRUE)' % (getVec(obj), shp[0])) else: # to array dim = list(shp[-2:]) # row, col dim.extend(shp[-3::-1]) newaxis = list(range(len(shp))) newaxis[-2:] = [len(shp)-1, len(shp)-2] return('array(%s, dim=c(%s))' % (getVec(obj.transpose(newaxis)), repr(dim)[1:-1]))
[docs]def PandasSerieStr(obj): return('data.frame(%s=%s, row.names=%s)' % (, getVec(obj.values), getVec(obj.index)))
[docs]def PandasDataFrameStr(obj): # DataFrame will be converted to data.frame, have to explicitly name columns #return 'data.frame(%s, row.names=%s)' % (', '.join(map(lambda a,b=obj:a+'='+getVec(obj[a]), obj)), getVec(obj.index)) s = ', '.join(map(lambda a,b=obj: '"%s"=%s' % (str(a), getVec(obj[a])), obj)) return('data.frame(%srow.names=%s)' % (s and s+', ', getVec(obj.index))) s = '' for col in obj: s = s + col + '=' + getVec(obj[col]) + ', ' # print 'data.frame(%s row.names=%s)' % (s, getVec(obj.index)) return('data.frame(%s row.names=%s)' % (s, getVec(obj.index)))
[docs]def OtherStr(obj): if hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): # for iterators if hasattr(obj, '__len__') and len(obj) <= 10000: return(SeqStr(list(obj))) else: # waiting for better solution for huge-size containers return(SeqStr(list(obj))) return(repr(obj))
str_func = { type(None): 'NULL', bool: BoolStr, long: LongStr, int: repr, float: FloatStr, complex: ComplexStr, unicode: UniStr, str: repr, list: SeqStr, tuple: SeqStr, set: SeqStr, frozenset: SeqStr, dict: DictStr} # str will override uncode in Python 3 base_tps = [type(None), bool, int, long, float, complex, str, unicode, list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict] # use type(None) instead of NoneType since #the latter cannot be found in the types module in Python 3 str_func[numpy.ndarray] = NumpyNdarrayStr base_tps.append(numpy.ndarray) str_func.update({pandas.Series: PandasSerieStr, pandas.DataFrame: PandasDataFrameStr}) base_tps.extend([pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame]) base_tps.reverse() if _in_py3: base_tps.append(bytes) str_func[bytes] = ByteStr
[docs]def Str4R(obj): """ convert a Python basic object into an R object in the form of string. """ # for objects known by PypeR if type(obj) in str_func: return(str_func[type(obj)](obj)) # for objects derived from basic data types for tp in base_tps: if isinstance(obj, tp): return(str_func[tp](obj)) # for any other objects return(OtherStr(obj))